Generative AI enablement for G’Day Group

We recently ran an a generative AI enablement workshop for the Marketing division of the G’Day Group (aka G’Day Parks and Discovery Parks). The all day event was structured into two distinct segments, a hands-on generative AI training segment and a generative AI use case identification segment.

Time Under Tension delivered above and beyond - 100% recommended for your generative AI needs” — G'Day Group

The objective was clear, to get G’Day Group well and truly “generative AI enabled”, both on a individual productivity basis and more broadly across the business.  If you’re doubting whether generative AI is ready for the prime time, read on!

Generative AI training

The fun thing about working with marketing folk is their open mindedness and willingness to try out new things. The Marketing team at G’Day Group are no exception. Led by Lahnee White (CMO) the team culture is open, fun and super progressive and we were warmly welcomed to their Adelaide offices.

The training combined desk based “see and do” learning with group based work to learn and get hands-on with generative AI tools.

The see and do component was mixed with inspirational and educational content ranging from overviews of the world of LLM’s to advanced prompting methods for text-to-text and text-to-images tools.

Using pre-prepared advanced prompting and brand enabled prompt cheat sheets, the group based work had teams each using their new found generative AI superpowers to elaborate and respond to a unique marketing challenges. There were played back across the teams for sharing learnings (and some fun and laughs!).

The tools covered included ChatGPT Plus (for Code Interpreter and Plugins), Midjourney, RunwayML and others too. The learnings included how to use the tools in day to day e.g. for problem solving, ideating, on-brand copywriting, on-brand imagery and more.

Generative AI use case identification

For the second part of the day we facilitated a design workshop with the marketing leaders. This involved working through some of the business problems and unmet opportunities and applying a generative AI lens to them, to identify new use cases across the business for staff and customers.

The result was a rich backlog of generative AI powered use cases, across customer experience, operations, knowledge sharing and more, with a deep dive into a few of the most valuable and viable concepts. 

In summary

Working with a progressive client like G’Day Parks is extremely rewarding and enjoyable. Our view at Time Under Tension is that embracing generative AI can yield exponential value through new use cases which only 12 months ago was not even possible.

Drop us a line if you’re interested in running a similar enablement session or finding out more.


Keynote at IHAC Summit


Speaking gen AI at Online Retailer